Monthly Archives: January 2023

“The Significance and Virtues of the Month of Rajab in Islam”

Introduction: The Four Sacred Months in the Islamic Calendar

Rajab is one of the four sacred months in the Islamic calendar. The other three months are Dhul-Qa’dah, Dhul-Hijjah, and Muharram. These months are considered sacred due to the many important events that occurred during them in Islamic history. Rajab, specifically, is considered to be a month of blessings and forgiveness.

Umrah The Spiritual Journey

Umrah The Spiritual Journey

Umrah is a non-mandatory Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia that can be performed at any time of the year. It is a shorter version of the Hajj, which is mandatory for all able-bodied Muslims to perform at least once in their lifetime. The rituals of Umrah consist of several steps that are meant to purify the soul and demonstrate submission to God.

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