Ramadan: Month of Fasting

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. And it is considered one of the holiest and most significant months for Muslims worldwide.

Ramadan: Month of Fasting is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar.  And it is considered one of the holiest and most significant months for Muslims worldwide. It is a month of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and increased devotion to God. During this month, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, abstain from food, drink.  Also other physical needs, and increase their prayers and good deeds.

 The Importance of Ramadan: Month of Fasting in Islam.

The significance of Ramadan: Month of Fasting can be traced back to the revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the month of Ramadan. According to Islamic tradition, the first revelation of the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) took place during the last ten nights of Ramadan, which is known as Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of Power. This night is believed to be better than a thousand months, and Muslims are encouraged to spend these nights in worship and prayer.

Ramadan is also a time for Muslims to remember those less fortunate than themselves and to increase their charitable acts. The month of Ramadan is seen as a time of cleansing and purification for the soul. And Muslims focus on repentance, forgiveness, and seeking closeness to Allah.

Fasting in Ramadan.

One of the most visible and essential aspects of Ramadan is fasting. Fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is compulsory for all adult Muslims who are physically and mentally capable of doing so. The fast begins at dawn and ends at sunset, and Muslims abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs. The fast is broken at sunset with a meal called iftar.

Fasting during Ramadan serves several purposes. Firstly, it is a means of fulfilling one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is seen as an act of worship . Secondly, fasting teaches self-discipline and self-control, as well as empathy for those who are less fortunate. Thirdly, it is a time for Muslims to focus on spiritual purification and strengthening their relationship with Allah.

Taraweeh Prayers In Ramadan: Month of Fasting.

Another significant aspect of Ramadan is the Taraweeh prayers, which are performed in the evenings after the Isha prayer. Taraweeh prayers are a series of voluntary prayers that are performed in congregation in the mosque during Ramadan. These prayers consist of 20 Rakats and are recited over the course of the month. The recitation of the Quran during these prayers is usually done in a slow, melodious voice. And is intended to help the worshippers to connect with Allah and feel the power of His word.

Community Spirit.

Ramadan: Month of Fasting is also a time for community spirit and social gatherings. Muslims often break their fast with family and friends, and mosques hold iftar dinners and other social events. The month of Ramadan is an excellent opportunity for Muslims to connect with their community and strengthen their bonds.

The virtue of reading the Qur’an In Ramadan: Month of Fasting.

One of the most important acts of worship during Ramadan is the recitation and study of the Qur’an.The Qur’an is the holy book of Islam, and it is considered to be the final and complete revelation of God to humanity. Also the Qur’an contains guidance and wisdom for all aspects of life, and that it is a source of peace.

Reading the Qur’an during Ramadan is especially virtuous because it is believed that the rewards for good deeds are multiplied. The Qur’an was first revealed during Ramadan, making it a particularly auspicious time for studying and reflecting on its teachings.

In addition to the spiritual benefits of reading the Qur’an, there are also practical benefits. Reading the Qur’an can help Muslims deepen their understanding of their faith, and reminder of the importance of good deeds.

Furthermore, the act of reciting the Qur’an during Ramadan can help Muslims develop a stronger connection with God . It can also provide a sense of community and shared purpose, as Muslims come together to engage in this act of worship. 

In summary, reading the Qur’an during Ramadan is a virtuous act that can bring numerous spiritual and practical benefits to Muslims. It is a time for reflection, contemplation, and renewal, and it is an opportunity to deepen one’s connection with God.

we recommend you learn it from experts and qualified Quran Teachers like you can enroll inhttps://quranparadise.com/courses/online-quran-recitation-course/

 or Rules of Reading Quran courses.

Some seemingly innocent errors made by a fasting person can actually affect his fasting. 

We will take a look at some of these mistakes in the hope of improving our fasting and to make it more perfect for the sake of Allah. 

Not sniffing water during ablution.

Neglecting the order to sniff during ablution to the extent of violation by just washing the tip of their nose. A person is required not to exaggerate during sniffing, if he is fasting. The Prophet  said: “Exaggerate while sniffing unless you are fasting.” Imam As-San’ani  said: “The narration is evidence to exaggerate the sniffing when not fasting. Exaggeration is forbidden when fasting in case something comes down the throat and ruins the fasting.”

Not abstaining from food.

Some people keep eating or drinking even after the mu’athen starts the call for Fajr prayer. If you advise them, they say it is allowed until the person calling the Athan says: Come to success, “haya ala fallah.” Afterwards they start their fasting. Something like this should have a firm daleel. Research and investigation revealed no such evidence. It is something some people prefer. This is rejected according to the Prophet  who said: “Anything added to our religion, which is not in it, is rejected.” Another narration says: “Whoever does a deed, not in our religion, is rejected.”

 In addition, the Quran and Sunnah stated that abstinence is when we can detect the white line from the black line at dawn. When they are detected, everyone has to stop eating and drinking. Allah Says (what means): “Eat and drink until you can distinguish between the black line and white line at dawn.” [Quran; 2:187] The Prophet  said: “Bilal calls for salah at night. Eat and drink until Ibn Um Maktoom calls.” Ibn Um Maktoom  was a blind man who did not call for prayer until he was told it is time. From the previous verse and narration, it is clear that abstinence should be at dawn and that the Athan is a sign of it. Therefore when the Athan starts, it is time for abstinence and not when he says “haya ala assalah.”

Having Suhoor early.

Having Suhoor (the pre-dawn meal) early is another violation. By doing that we are rejecting a lot of rewards. The Sunnah states that a Muslim should delay the Suhoor in order for him to be following the Prophet . Anas  said: “We had Suhoor with the Prophet  and then prayed.”

Delaying the call for Maghrib prayer.

From the violations that some people do in Ramadan is that they only call for prayer when it becomes completely dark. They are not satisfied with the complete setting of the sun and claim that it is better to be cautious. This is against the Sunnah. The Sunnah is to call for prayer when the sun sets completely without regard to anything else. Allah Says (what means): “Then complete the fast till the night [i.e. sunset].” [Quran; 2:187]

Allah made the end of fasting when the night begins, that is when the sun completely sets. The Prophet  said: “If night comes from this side, day goes form that side and the sun has gone, then break your fast.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] Imam Ahmad Ibn Nasr Al-Marozy  said after mentioning the above verse: “The scholars have agreed that if the sun has set, that means night has begun and it is time to break the fast.”

Delaying breaking the fast.

Some people fall into the trap of delaying the breaking of their fast. Two points are relevant here: first delaying breaking the fast can delay Maghrib prayer or cause you to miss it altogether – which is worse. Therefore, a Muslim must eat on time in order to be able to catch the congregational Salah with other Muslims.

Second, delaying Iftar is a contradiction to the Sunnah and an agreement with the Christians and the Jews based on the following: Sahl Ibn Sa’d  narrated that the Prophet  said: “People will continue to be upon virtue as long as they hasten the Iftar.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. He  also narrated that the Prophet  said: “My nation is still following my Sunnah as long as they don’t wait for the stars to break their fast.” [Ibn Hibban] Abu Hurayrah  narrated that he Prophet  said: “Our religion will stay visible as long as people hasten breaking their fast because the Jews and Christians delay.”

Not using the Siwak.

Another violation related to fasting is that some people do not use the Siwak (traditional cleaning stick for teeth) in the afternoon and disapprove of those who do. Their reasoning in this is that the Siwak eliminates the breath’s smell, which Allah prefers over the smell of musk, as stated in the following narration: The Prophet  said: “I swear by He who has my soul in His hands that a fasting person’s breath is preferred by Allah over the smell of musk.”

 [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. Ash-Shawkani  referred to this when speaking about the dispute about whether the smell of a fasting person’s breath was meant to be in this life on earth or in the hereafter. He  said: “Due to this dispute, it was said that siwak is disliked when fasting.” He  then said: “In truth the siwak is desirable for a fasting person to use in the morning and in the late afternoon and that is the opinion of the majority of scholars.” What also proves the permissibility of the Siwak is the fact that the Prophet  generalized when he said: “If it wasn’t going to be tough on my nation, I would have ordered them to use the Siwaak at every prayer.” Imam Al-Bukhari  said: “The Prophet  did not specify a fasting or non-fasting person.”

The guilt associated with waking up in janabah.

Another violation is the great guilt that fasting people feel if they wake up in janabah (defilement due to sleeping with one’s spouse). To those we say there should be no guilt, complete your fast. The Prophet  used to be in janabah when dawn came and he would take a bath and fast.

Shaykh Abdul-‘Azeez Ibn Baaz  was asked if a fasting person has a wet dream on a Ramadan morning, does it ruin the fast and does that person have to take a bath? He replied that wet dreams do not ruin the fast because it is not a voluntary act and that a bath is necessary if semen is secreted. It’s okay to delay the washing until Thuhr prayer if the wet dream occurred after fajr salah. The same goes for janabah, you can take a bath after dawn if it occurred at night because it was proven that the Prophet  used to wake up in janabah then wash and fast. It is better to wash from janabah before Fajr prayer in order to be able to make prayer in congregation.

Feeling guilty in tasting food.

Some women are reluctant to taste their food in case they ruin their fasting. There is no need for this reluctance as long as no food is swallowed. Ibn ‘Abbas  said: “It is okay to taste the food.” [Al-Bukhari]. Shaykh ‘Abdullaah Ibn Jibreen  was asked: “Can a cook, while fasting, taste the food being cooked to make sure it is good?” He  replied: “It’s okay to taste the food when necessary by placing it at the tip of the tongue to know its sweetness, saltiness or the like. Nothing should be swallowed but it should be spit out. That will not ruin the fast.” 



In conclusion,Ramadan: Month of Fasting is one of the most significant and holiest months for Muslims worldwide. It is a time of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and increased devotion to Allah. Charitable acts during Ramadan are all intended to help Muslims strengthen their faith, purify their souls, and connect with Allah. Ramadan is also a time for community spirit, where Muslims come together to break their fast and strengthen their bonds.

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