Monthly Archives: February 2023

Ramadan: Month of Fasting

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. And it is considered one of the holiest and most significant months for Muslims worldwide.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. And it is considered one of the holiest and most significant months for Muslims worldwide. It is a month of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and increased devotion to God. During this month, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset, abstain from food, drink. Also other physical needs, and increase their prayers and good deeds.

Al- rawdah Al-sharifa

Al- rawdah Al-sharifa on quranparadise

Al- rawdah Al-sharifa is located in El-masjid El-nabawy El-shareef. It is bordered on the east by the chamber of the Mother of the Believers, Ayishah, may God be pleased with her. on the west by the honorable pulpit, on the south by the wall of the mosque in which the Prophet’s mihrab, [salla Allahu alaihi wasallam], is located. And on the north by the line passing east from the end of AYsha’s house, may God be pleased with her, to the pulpit.

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